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Former Round Dance Leaders in Belgium, now retired from teaching:
Annette and Frank Woodruff
List of Cued Round Dances in ASPERULE folder
List of Round Dance Songs in GOLDEN CLASSIC ROUNDS Folder
Listing of Round Dance Music in:
List of Dance Videos in VIDEO FOLDER
List of All Woodruff Dances (with cue-sheets and music samples)
* To see Seasonal Dances only (Easter, Halloween, Xmas)
Other Round Dance Leaders in Belgium
The Mundaneum, precursor of the Internet, is an institution created in
1920 by Belgian lawyers. It aimed to gather all the world’s
knowledge and classify it according to a system they developed called the Universal
Decimal Classification. The Mundaneum consists of
an enormous intellectual warehouse of books, documents, catalogues and scientific
objects housed in Mons,
Belgium (our hometown) since 1998.
To know more:
Sweet woodruff
is an attractive ground cover that broadcasts its aroma each May. The leaves
develop a distinctive scent of fresh-cut hay and vanilla only as they dry. In
Luxembourg, it is used to flavor May wine as a traditional way to greet this
spring month. The practice originated in the thirteenth century, and extends
into Germany where the Mai Bowle is served each day of the month. The German
name is “Waldmeister” (master of the forest) and a green
syrup is made with it and mixed with white beer in the Berlin area. May
Day celebrations have long marked the passage of winter dating back to ancient
Druid rituals.
The plant is also
known as Sweet-scented Bedstraw, Wild Baby's Breath and Cudweed.